Granite colors – About more than just visual appeal!

Choosing Quality Color Granite Countertops

The many different granite colors available say more than just what your preference is with regards to how they look aesthetically. Many people do not know that there are thousands of variants of granite color throughout the world. When you go through the process of selecting a granite slab for your kitchen countertops, you will be faced with a wide selection of colors and grains to choose from. So what does this actually say about the stone itself?

Granite countertop slab color guide 

The color of a granite kitchen countertop says a lot about where the stone actually comes from. It is rare to find two pieces of granite with exactly the same grain and color because granite is completely dependent on how it was formed as a natural stone.

When selecting countertops, you will notice that most granite suppliers class their stone in two general categories: basic and exotic. What sets the exotic stone apart from the basic granite is the fact that the patterns in exotic granite are often more varied and not as consistent as those in basic granite.

What makes exotic granite different 

Exotically colored granite is the stone which has been extracted from higher in the ground. Basic granite lies deeper than the exotic stone and is, therefore, more compressed throughout time and is less variable in color and pattern. Due to its nature of being more varied in pattern, exotic granite can either be loved or loathed due to its lack of uniformity. The choice is truly in the eye of the beholder.

Where to find beautiful granite countertops in Atlanta GA 

If you are in the market for granite and are a resident of Atlanta GA, but are unsure of where to look, you need not worry. At AA Granite and Marble, LLC we can help you by offering a wide range of products for you to choose from, including both basic and exotic granite. Give us a call today and come view our options and we will help you find your dream granite countertop.

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