How to ensure that you are buying high-quality granite or marble for your countertops

When purchasing granite or marble for your kitchen countertops, quality should be your first priority. Knowing that you are receiving a good piece of stone for the price is extremely important, therefore, knowing what to look for in granite or marble is key. There are three different classes of granite and marble as we describe below.

First class 

A first class piece of granite or marble is a slab that is deemed of the highest quality. It is a piece of stone with no natural defects, such as cracks or large veins which could indicate a weakness in the stone. To see whether or not your stone is first quality, look for consistent patterns and colors in the the stone.

Second class 

Second class granite and marble may have natural veins which occur throughout the stone making the pattern seem somewhat less consistent. There may also be small to medium rocks in the stone which do not match the rest of the pattern.

Commercial quality stone 

Commercial quality is a lower quality level. These are rather easy to spot as their consistency is flawed. Within commercial quality granite, look for deep natural veins, large rocks which are not a part of the pattern and patterns which vary quite drastically from one side to the other.

Where to find the best granite in Atlanta GA 

If you prefer high quality granite but do not know where to source it from in Atlanta GA, come to AA Marble and Granite, LLC. We will assist you with the right choice to suit your kitchen countertop needs. Contact us today to learn more about our professional team and how we can help you get the kitchen countertops you want.

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