What Should You Expect from a Kitchen Renovation Company?

What Should You Expect from a Kitchen Renovation Company?

Is your kitchen outdated and in need of a remodel?

You're probably excited about picking out the granite countertops and kitchen cabinets and less excited about the execution. How do you even pick the right contractor?

We put this article together to show you what to expect from a kitchen renovation company when choosing a granite kitchen countertop in Snellville.

Read on and you'll be one step closer.

The Kitchen Renovation Company Should Provide a Contract

A contract between contractor and owner is the best way to make sure both parties are protected. You can take a less formal approach and create it between both parties, but it's always best to have an attorney draft the contract.

Make sure the contract includes essential information such as a full description of the project. It should specify the work, materials, and products.

Have a section in the contract where you specify how often the contractor should get paid. Include lien waivers as part of the contract.

Don't forget to set dates for completion. Construction is often synonym with delays, so there should be approximate deadlines the contractor should meet.

Depending on the type of job, more clauses should be included.

Expect to Have Your Questions Answered

Throughout the renovation process, you should expect to have many questions for your contractor, so don't be afraid to ask.

Make a list of questions you want to be answered and make time to bring them up to your contractor. They can range from questions about the company and experience to specific questions about the project.

Set Up a Temporary Kitchen

It's not a bad idea to set up a temporary kitchen, and you'll be glad you did. The renovation process will be inconvenient and strenuous, so you'll want to maintain some normalcy.

You might not be able to afford to eat out every night, especially if you're on a budget. Have your contractor set up a few of the old kitchen counters in a second location preferably a room with a sink, such as a basement or a garage.

Plan to have meals you can cook in the microwave or a hot plate. If you remodel in the summer, you can always cook on the grill.

Expect Delays

Even when you plan far in advance delays can happen. Your contractor might be right on schedule with the renovation, but the factory might have sent the wrong color tiles.

You and your contractor probably planned for a schedule fit for a perfect world where nothing goes wrong. Discuss with your contractor what would be other alternatives in case of delays.


The kitchen renovation company you hire will probably be experts in what they do. Although you might want to make all the decision related to the project, sometimes your contractor could have a better idea.

They have been doing it for a long time, you should trust them to make decisions as long as they discuss it with you. Trust them when they say an outlet might be better in another spot.


If it was a perfect world, you would stick to your budget. Sadly it's not the case, so it's always better to have a little side cash in case of any hiccups with the project.

Have at least an extra 10 percent set aside from what the contractor quoted you is a good idea.

Now that you have a basic idea of what to expect for your future kitchen renovation, it's time to design your new kitchen.

Let us help you. We have a wide selection of products, so stop by our site and get in contact with us.

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